Religious Founders Day in Perth, Australia

Kamran Mubashar, Missionary, Australia The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Western Australia held its first ever Religious Founders’ Day Symposium on 29 February 2020, at Nasir Mosque in Perth, Australia. This unique interfaith event was one in which the Jamaat once again worked on its interfaith relationship to show the true and peaceful teachings of Islam. […]
Masroor football and cricket tournaments in Australia

Ahsan Raza, Lead organiser The 7th National Masroor Cricket Tournament and the 6th National Masroor Football Tournament of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Australia was held together successfully from 27 to 29 December 2019 in New South Wales, Australia. Separate grounds were hired for both cricket and football and matches were played throughout the day. The event started with the […]