Masroor football and cricket tournaments in Australia
Ahsan Raza, Lead organiser
The 7th National Masroor Cricket Tournament and the 6th National Masroor Football Tournament of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Australia was held together successfully from 27 to 29 December 2019 in New South Wales, Australia.
Separate grounds were hired for both cricket and football and matches were played throughout the day.
The event started with the opening ceremony after Friday prayer at 2pm in the Khilafat Hall and concluded on Sunday at Mittigar Reserve, Hassalgrove at 2pm. A total of 200 people spectated the event, of which 70 were players. Professional referees were hired for both games and were also given an appreciation award at the end.
The weather conditions were very hot during the day, but eventually cooled during the evening and night times. Congregational prayers of Maghrib and Isha were also held in between matches at both grounds after which dinner was served.
Five teams comprising of 70 players took part in football: Majlis Ansarullah, Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales and Muqami – playing seven matches in two days. The New South Wales team took the winning trophy home at the football tournament, whereas South Australia were the runners up. The Golden boot award went to Adnan Ahmad from New South Wales and the Golden Glove award went to Ramis Abdullah from Muqami.
The closing ceremony for the football tournament was held at Bernie Mullane Synthetic field Kellyville NSW which was chaired by Naib Amir, Nasir Kahlon Sahib.
Six teams comprising of 90 players took part in cricket: Victoria, South Australia, Majlis Ansarullah, Queensland, New South Wales and Muqami. Team Muqami won the cricket tournament while team Victoria were runners up. The award for best fielder went to Saqib Mehmood of team Muqami, whereas the best bowler award went to Ishtiaq Ahmed of team Victoria. Zulfiqar Salahudin of team Muqami was awarded the best batsmen of the tournament.
The closing ceremony was held on 29 December at 2pm at Mittigar Reserve Hassel Grove. Almost two months of planning went into organising this event, and due to water restrictions across the state, we had limited options for availability of ground booking, but by the grace of Allah the Almighty, all came through and the event took place quite successfully.
Humble prayers are requested for the organising team and Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya.